The Long Dark Emergency Stim

The Long Dark Emergency Stim

The Long Dark Emergency Stimulus Checks

The Long Dark game guide focuses on Coming Storm Mission Walkthrough and the bug fix in – Episode 3: Wintermute. Coming Storm is the third mission in Episode 3 of the story. In this mission, Astrid must find the remaining survivors and stock supplies in the community hall to last through the blizzard. This guide will give you some tips and tricks for Coming Storm mission in Episode 3: Wintermute. While writing this instruction, we pick up many pieces of information from several sites for you. We hope that this guide will help you.

The Long Dark game guide focuses on Coming Storm Mission Walkthrough and the bug fix in – Episode 3: Wintermute. Coming Storm is the third mission in Episode 3 of the story. In this mission, Astrid must find the remaining survivors and stock supplies in the community hall to last through the blizzard.

Other guides for the game:

The Long Dark Emergency Stimulus Package

  • As the Dead Sleep is the seventh Challengeto be added into the game. In the challenge, you have to visit fivegraves in marked locations around Great Bear Island. It is considered the hardest Challenge currently in the game, and was inspired by community-created Deadman custom difficulty. You always spawn in Fallen Lighthouse at Bleak Inlet. The game is set to Interloper difficulty, making.
  • Brain hypoxia is a medical emergency because the brain needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to function properly. There are several causes of brain hypoxia.
  • The emergency stim is a first aid item. It is, more specifically, an auto-injector containing a dose of clinical steroids that briefly spikes the user's energy (similar to the effect of adrenaline).

Coming Storm

Coming Storm is the third mission in Episode 3 of the story. In this mission, Astrid must find the remaining survivors and stock supplies in the community hall to last through the blizzard.

The Long Dark Emergency Stim


  • Locate and return the missing survivors
  • Return survivors to community hall (x3)
  • Add supplies to the hall’s kitchen storage
  • (x8) Antiseptic/Old man’s beard dressing
  • (x16000) Calories from food or drink
  • (x48) Hours of firewood or other fuel
  • (x10) Bandages
  • (X2.00) Kerosene
  • (x8) Antibiotics/Prepared reishi
  • (x1) Distress pistol
  • (x4) Distress pistol shells
  • Search Joplin’s caches for extra supplies (optional)
  • Talk to Father Thomas

Coming Storm Mission bug fix

When you have completed all of the tasks by filling the Pantry, finding all of the survivors, It will say “Talk to Father Thomas”, but when you go up to him and select his character name … nothing happens.

So here is the solution for the bug:

  1. Just exit to the main menu and continue.
  2. Or reloading last checkpoint save helped.

Video Walkthrough

The video’s not uploaded by us but founded on Youtube.

This is the ending of The Long Dark Coming Storm Mission guide. Hope it will help you. If there is wrong or you have suggestions, please let’s know and comment us. Have fun.

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