Stockhausen Tierkreis Score Pdf


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two realizations of Stockhausen's beautiful '12 Melodies of the Zodiac' for five musician
Wolfgang Fernow - double bass
Michael Kiedaisch - drums and vibraphone
Stefan Hussong - accordion
Scott Roller cello
Mike Svoboda - trombone, music boxes, tapes and musical direction

concert programm
Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007) - Tierkreis - 12 melodies of the star signs (1975-76)
1. realisation for trombone, accordion, cello, double bass, percussion, and music boxes
2. realisation for five improvisers, music boxes and tape
duration 75 minutes without an intermission
CD available: Karlheinz Stockhausen: Tierkreis

program text

Tierkreis: a classic played like a standard
Tierkreis of 1975–76 is one of the most beautiful, and hence one of the most accessible, works in the oeuvre of the Cologne composer Karlheinz Stockhausen, who is both celebrated and hotly debated as a “classic composer of New Music in Germany” after 1945. Mike Svoboda, having collaborated with Stockhausen for many years, had already had several opportunities to realize the work beautifully as an arranger. In his current homage to Stockhausen he presents two very different solutions that in concert nonetheless fit together into a compelling whole: an instrumentation for chamber quintet that remains true to the original as well as an improvisational variant that treats the model like a standard from the “real book” of jazz. With this creative maneuver Svoboda and his musicians demonstrate once again that “New Music” and “dry as dust” need not necessarily remain synonyms. Precisely because of its liberties Tierkreis is a welcome extension of the performer’s possibilities, a rewarding task beyond mere display of virtuosity, explains Mike Svoboda, who collaborated directly with Stockhausen when he prepared his first instrumentation of Tierkreis for trombone and piano in 1988 and again in 1991 when he produced his second for trombone and percussion. His solution for trombone and large brass ensemble (1995) was followed, on the occasion of Stockhausen’s seventy-fifth birthday in September 2003, with the two present variations, recently documented on WERGO in a new CD produced in collaboration with Deutschlandradio in Cologne. The unmistakably sterling musical quality of this dual result is owed above all to Svoboda’s inner knowledge of the music, an internalization of it that was achieved through years of working on it. The demands that Stockhausen places on the ‘working out’ of his model are extremely high: he hopes the performer can provide a clarification of his composition. Tierkreis is thus no platform for virtuosic self-display. Without a doubt, the composition stands in the foreground. When working out what became the first version here, my desk was covered with plans for the distribution of the instruments, registers, timbres, and densities. And yet my work was not essentially different from that of an improviser. In what became the second version here, I presented the musicians with several structures and asked them to improvise on Stockhausen’s melodies. The performance criteria specified in the score that any performance be faithful to the written notes is met here with the help of a prerecorded tape accompaniment and the use of the original music boxes. Each of the Tierkreis melodies is heard several times, establishing the original tempo. I combined the melodies of Tierkries in groups of three according to the seasons; and the players improvise on a group, on a “quarterly basis,” as it were. The creative freedom that Stockhausen offers the performer in specifying how performances are to be worked out are fully exploited for the first time by means of the improvisational approach. Mike Svoboda - April 2003

Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik 51515 Kuerten

On November 14th 1994 the Stockhausen Foundation for Music was ratified as a non-profit foundation having as its purpose 'the advancement of musicology including the stimulation of music culture based on the creative oeuvre of Professor Karlheinz Stockhausen' (paragraph 2.2 of the foundation statutes).

The Stockhausen Foundation for Music is in a position to fulfil this mandate due to the fact that the biographical and musical stations of the composer are documented in its archives by way of composition sketches, scores, recordings, instruments, costumes and requisites, photographs and films, and comprehensive written sources, and accessible to scientific research.

In addition, one of the responsibilities of the foundation is to continue the Stockhausen Concerts and Courses Kürten, which have taken place every summer since they were initiated by Stockhausen in 1998. The uniqueness of this event lies in its combination of concerts, master classes, composition seminars and scientific symposia aimed at a large, international audience. In order to be able to mediate Stockhausen’s music and art of interpretation, ideas, thoughts and observations in this way, the support of friends and patrons is needed.

Therefore, the Stockhausen Foundation for Music would like to ask you to make a contribution to help fulfil its mission, so that the Stockhausen Concerts and Courses Kürten, its most ambitious project to date, can be continued.

Stockhausen Tierkreis Score Pdf Sheets

Due to the non-profit, cultural, and scientific nature of the foundation, donations are tax-deductible. Donors automatically receive receipts.

Thank you very much for your kind attention and support.

Stockhausen Tierkreis Score Pdf 2017

Stockhausen Gallery

Stockhausen Tierkreis Score Pdf Online

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    Stockhausen Foundation for Music
    Kettenberg 15
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  • About Us / Impressum
    Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik (Stockhausen Foundation for Music)
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    Kettenberg 15
    51515 Kürten
    Tel +49 2268 3886 | Fax +49 2268 1813 |
    Foundation Register of Northrhine-Westfalia (NRW), Nr.: 89/19 | European VAT Nr. DE258 506 182
    The foundation is legally represented by the foundation council:
    Suzanne Stephens (chairwoman) | Kathinka Pasveer | Lilly Fritz
    Supervising authority: Bezirksregierung Köln (District government in Cologne, Germany)