Sweetfx 2.0 Link

2.0Sweetfx 2.0 Link

– Colors, the picture becomes more realistic. I registered in the shader (s) “Smaa” a resolution of 1920×1080.
– Improved clarity, smoothing, colors, HDR (lowered the glow), bloom (reduces), granularity. The picture becomes without soap film.
– By default, SMaa is anti-aliasing in the settings, you can put FXaa, if there are brakes or lags, I did not notice this.
– For weak computers, you can try to disable anti-aliasing “Smaa” or change to “Fxaa”.
– Settings are located in the folder “SweetFX SweetFX_Settings.txt, open a text file and in the item” Choose effects “put (0-off, or 1-on), the smoothing should be one, or SMaa or FXaa.
– In the game (on, off) mode on the key F12.
– Settings in the game: HDR-on; Sunbeams-inc; The rest is off, the screenshot shows!

– All files from the archive are extracted to the folder with the game Ets2 bin win_x64.
– Delete the mod: all the files that are in the archive, from the win_x64 folder are deleted, and it’s better to make a copy of win_x64 before installation.

Test for 1.30.х-1.31.х
Author: ~ Tok ~

Authors: ~Tok~

Sweetfx 2.0 LinkSweetfx 2.0 Link

Sweetfx 2.0 Download Link

The maximum upload size is 100 MB. For larger files, please contact us or use the external link option. You only need to specify a file size if you are linking to an external file. Please don't overuse BBCode formatting and smilies in your file descriptions. Please also try to keep file descriptions to an acceptable length. Surprised Steve haven't added a Sharpen to the game. I added a subtle sharpen and it makes things more clear with the textures. Oh for installation, you don't need the EULA or Mediator files. Just drag, Reshade folder, dll version with rename (Reshade64.dll-d.

Sweetfx 2.0 Links

  1. Reshademe download link broken? (self.sweetfx) submitted 1 year ago by deltaSquee. The link works if I add reshade.me to the addon's whitelist. SweetFX 2.0 (Preview 8 ReShade 1.1.0) Presets All WoWs Versions You are creating videos about World of Warships and want to add a historical feeling or do you want more colors?
  2. Default is 1.0 #define CRTScanlineIntensity 2.0 //2.0 to 4.0 Scanlines intensity (use integer values preferably). Default is 2.0 #define CRTScanlineGaussian 1 //0 or 1 Use the 'new nongaussian scanlines bloom effect'.