Floats Manual

Gear Retract System

(float)1.6 is the number closest to being 1.6 while (float)(8-6.4) is bigger than 1.6 - conversion to float rounds down. So, 1.6 will be like 1.599999 and 8-6.4 will be somewhat like 1.600001 The solution would be to use decimal math for constant expressions. You have found the website for all things related to Zenair Floats.Zenair has been supplying the recreational aircraft community with proven aerodynamic and hydrodynamic all-metal floats for over 30 years. You'll find out more about Zenair and its founder and chief engineer below; use the links above to find the float-related details including available sizes, drawings, kit.

Highest standard Gear Advisory System

  • Audible announcement for gear positions and “check gear” conditions
  • Hydraulic pump running indicator
  • Illuminated indicators for each gear wheel and each position
  • Backlit display for easy reading
  • Dimmer adjustment
  • Indicator lights “Test” feature
  • Acknowledged by both pilots and aviation officials, keeping safety a top

Electric Hydraulic Pump System

  • 12 or 24 volt availability
  • Far aft placement for nose gear CG compensation
  • Low average pressure (500 psi) is easy on the lines reducing overall
  • Built in pressure relief guards against over pressure from thermal or
    hand pump inputs
  • Simplistic reversing motor eliminates complex flow control valves and
  • Reservoir and site glass are built into hydraulic power pack for easy fluid
    level reading
  • Internal filters to guard against debris in hydraulic system reducing wear
    Mounting hardware designed and tested to FAR requirements

Ion Party Float Manual

Main Gear

Floats manual pdfFloats Manual

Custom Designed Gearbox

  • Minimizes displacement for improved floatation.
  • Watertight seamless design means less water pumping.
  • Easy access to all hardware, reducing maintenance time.
  • Easy-to-clean and service, ease of replacements.

Oleo Shock System

  • Trailing arm link provides a no-bounce smooth ride.
  • Metering pin tailored toward comfort during taxi, yet able to handle harsh landings.
  • Pressure adjustable to match aircraft gross weight.
  • Built in prevention of water infusion.
  • Cost effective, easy to find and replace “off-the-shelf” seals and wiper rings.
  • Aerocet®-manufactured nose wheel means Aerocet® quality, and we always have parts in stock.

Nose Gear

Sliding, Retractable Gear

  • Utilizes a no-maintenance composite spring that eliminates soft forward diving in crosswinds or under braking.
  • No nose wheel well, which provides maximum displacement efficiency.
  • Aluminum bronze slide bushings designed to handle ultimate loads without breakage.
  • Tire retracts to provide bumper.
  • Angle of nose spring is optimized to reduce shimmy potential.

Nose Wheel Assembly

  • Aerocet®-manufactured nose wheel means Aerocet® quality, and we always have parts in stock.
  • Spoked wheel design eliminates water cavity.
  • O-ring interface between wheel halves for better sealing and less maintenance.
  • Standard “off-the-shelf” bearings.
  • Manufactured from 6061 billet, anodized and top coated for long life corrosion protection.
  • Fully TSO approved by the FAA.



  • Super large sweet spot, ease of use and the most forgiving floats for novice and pro alike.
  • Very slippery – minimal sensation of acceleration is felt after leaving the water.
  • Getting on the step is reached very quickly to get you off the water and into the air fast.

Hull Design

  • Double fluted design delivers superior strength to weight ratings.
  • Molded – in boarding steps.
  • Sharp edges for reduced drag and increased hydrodynamics.
  • Large flat deck with molded – in antiskid.
  • Best design for performance in both rough water and smooth water conditions.


  • No corrosion.
  • No rivets mean no rivet leaks.
  • Common aerospace E-Glass and simple easy – to – use vinyl ester resin.
  • Non – sandwich bottom skin, makes any field repair an easy process.
  • High impact sandwich core used on top and sides adds durability and strength.


  • Six Watertight Compartments
  • One more compartment than most other floats on the market.
  • No large holes for rudder controls, which could cause easy flooding.
  • Large access panels with integrated preflight pumpouts that use all stainless hardware.
  • Storage locker built into center compartment with super large access door and optional floorboards for flat storage.

Floats Meaning

If LaTeX responds to a begin{figure} orbegin{table} command with the error message

your figures (or tables) are not being placed properly. LaTeXhas a limited amount of storage for “floats” (figures, tables, orfloats you’ve defined yourself with the float package); ifsomething you have done has prevented LaTeX from typesettingfloats, it will run out of storage space.

This failure usually occurs in extreme cases of floats moving “wrongly”;LaTeX has found it can’t place a float, and floats of the same typehave piled up behind it.


How does this happen? — LaTeX guarantees that caption numbers aresequential in the document, but the caption number is allocated whenthe figure (or whatever) is created, and can’t be changed. Thus, iffloats are placed out of order, their caption numbers would alsoappear out of order in the body of the document (and in the list offigures, or whatever). As a result, enforcement of the guaranteemeans that simple failure to place a float means that no subsequentfloat can be placed; and hence (eventually) the error.

Techniques for solving the problem are discussed in the floats question already referenced.

For LaTeX releases prior to 2015, an alternative may be to use the morefloats package.The package will allocate more “float skeletons” than LaTeXdoes by default; each such skeleton may then be used to store afloat. Beware that even with morefloats, the number you canallocate is limited; even with the etex package.

LaTeX releases from 2015 onwards have an extrafloatscommand which (assuming an ε-TeX format is being used) willallow many more float boxes to be allocated (the upper limit being several thousand, rather more than can reasonably handledin tex macro lists.) Also the default number of floats that may be storedhas been increased from 18 to 52. Current LaTeX releases will run extrafloats{1}before giving this error, so it is highly unlikely that you get this error unlessover 32 thousand registers have been allocated.

Fox Float Manual

The error also occurs in a long sequence of float environments, withno intervening text. Unless the environments will fit “here” (andyou’ve allowed them to go “here”), there will never be a page break,and so there will never be an opportunity for LaTeX to reconsiderplacement. Even though modern LaTeX releases will allow thousands,rather than just 18 floats to be held in this way, it is still a goodidea to avoid this situation which can make LaTex run slowly and inextreme cases cause other out of memory errors.

Of course, the floats can’t all fit “here” if thesequence is sufficiently prolonged: once the page fills, LaTeXwon’t place any more floats, leading to the error.

Techniques for resolution may involve redefining the floats using thefloat package’s [H] float qualifier, but you are unlikelyto get away without using clearpage from time to time.

FAQ ID: Q-tmupfl